Location and languages
Pramonės pr. 20, 50468 Kaunas, Lithuania. Languages of the conference: English and Lithuanian.
The main goal
Promote scientific discussion and share ideas about the technological innovations, eco-innovations and technology-based entrepreneurship as drivers for economic growth and social change in regions.
The conference welcomes
Academic staff, professionals specializing in the fields of technology, medicine, regional economics and economic policies, doctoral students.
Scientific committee
dr. Ina Bikuvienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Renata Gudaitienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Giedrius Gecevičius, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Žydrūnas Kavaliauskas, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Vilma Kazlauskienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Ingrida Kraujutienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Andrėja Raminta Ligeikienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Vaclovas Makūnas, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Viktorija Piščalkienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Rimantas Plėštys, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Donatas Rekus, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Vidmantas Rimavičius, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Daiva Sajek, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Irma Spūdytė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Aušra Steponavičienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Indrė Šikšnelytė-Butkienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Aušra Šimonėlienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Vilma Šipailaitė – Ramoškienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Laima Jasevičiūtė – Ufartienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Inga Valentinienė, Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania);
dr. Goran Avlijaš, Singidunum University (Serbia);
dr. Refael Barkan, Holon Institute of Technology (Israel);
Prof. dr. Lavinia Buruleanu, Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania);
dr. Margarita Dancheva, College of Management, Trade and Marketing (Bulgaria);
Prof. dr. Andrejs Domkins, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute (Latvia);
dr. Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson, University of Akureyri, School of Business and Science, Iceland;
dr. Jana Ižvoltova, University of Zilina (Slovakia);
dr. Guy Yoskovitz, Holon Institute of Technology (Israel);
Prof. dr. Afam Jideani, University of Venda (Republic of South Africa);
dr. Daiga Kunkulberga, Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia);
dr. Lilyana Nacheva, Agricultural University – Plovdiv (Bulgaria);
Prof. dr. Marco Dalla Rosa, University of Bologna (Italy);
dr. Оlga Sych, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine);
Prof. dr. Dianne Helen Welsh, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA);
- innovative technologies, innovative cities and regions (in a line with economic, social, health and environmental transformations);
- (eco-) technological innovations (renewable energy, eco electronics, healthy nutrition, body ecology diet, family and community support systems, etc.) and change in a region;
- innovations in Graphic Arts, Design and Media Industry (publishing, printing, multimedia)
- good practice of technology-based entrepreneurship (adoption of innovative technologies for company, industry development in a region and sustainable development in health care system).
Previous conferences articles: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Previous conferences abstracts: 2022


Dr. Georgios Ouzounis
Georgios leads the AI Research Team at Atlas AI, that is responsible for bringing the company's innovative ideas to life using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence at scale. Prior to this, he was the Vice President of Data Science at ElectrifAI. With over 25 years of professional experience in computer vision, machine learning, and remote-sensing, Georgios has made significant contributions to the field. Notably, he played a key role in designing and co-developing the first successful release of the Human Settlement Layer at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission. He introduced the concept of Image Data Science with extensions to Earth Observation and he worked on many global-scale satellite image analytics challenges during his time at DigitalGlobe/Maxar and beyond.
In parallel to his path in industry, Georgios maintains an active presence in academia as a Visiting Professor (Deep Learning) at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences in Lithuania and as a Global Lecturer (Data Science) at the University of Arizona. He is a senior member of IEEE since 2014 and delivers lectures and keynote speeches in academic/corporate and government settings around the world.
Georgios holds a PhD in Mathematics and Natural Sciences from the Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and a Master of Philosophy in Computer Science from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. He is the publisher of 10 patents with 8 being in the field of remote-sensing, and many other, highly cited articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings.

Dr. Marija Verner
Dr. Marija Verner is currently a Postdoctoral Associate at the Yale Program for Climate Change Communication. She contributes extensively to survey research and development, with a keen interest in understanding how extreme weather events shape public opinion. Marija earned her PhD in Political Science from the University of Colorado Boulder and holds a BA in Political Science from Vilnius University.

Dr. Kevin Howell
Dr. Kevin Howell in an Internationally known speaker and award-winning researcher. Dr. Howell has spoken around the world on Technical, Leadership and Motivational topics. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology and Master’s Degree in Industrial Technology from Appalachian State University. He also earned a Doctorate in Leadership and Organizational Theory from Vanderbilt University. Dr. Howell serves as a Professor in the Graphic Communications Management program in the Department of Art at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. He also serves as Executive Director of Epsilon Pi Tau, The International Honor Society for Professions in Technology. Dr. Howell combines his rural background with exemplary preparation and global experience to bring messages to audiences filled with humor and new ideas about what could be.

09.00 – 10.00 REGISTRATION
10.00 – 10.15 Welcoming Address and Opening of the Conference
10.15 – 12.45 Parallel Sessions
12.45 – 13.30 LUNCH
13.30 - 15.00 Plenary Sessions
- 13.30 - 14.00 Atlas of Human Settlements: monitoring built-up change in the Baltic States and Kaliningrad / Dr. Georgios Ouzounis, Atlas AI, USA
- 14.00 - 14.30 Public Support for Renewable Energy and Green Policies: Insights from U.S. & Global Surveys / Dr. Marija Verner, Yale Program for Climate Change Communication, USA
- 14.30 - 15.00 Preparing for Success in life; Are You in Control? / Dr. Kevin Howell, Appalachian State University, USA
15.00 – 15.30 FINAL SESSION
Paper presentations
15 minutes for the presentation are allocated. All paper presentations will be grouped into paper sessions. Each paper session will have a chair-person. Handouts before the conference are highly appreciated.
Presentations at the plenary session
These presentations are given by keynote speakers, who are invited by the Scientific Committee of the Conference and who are recognised specialists in the area. 20-30 minutes for the presentation are allocated.
Presentations of scientific work in a graphical form. At the time of poster presentation, at least one of the authors must be present.
The online registration to the conference is open.
Registration fee before January 31, 2020, 45,- EUR. After January 31, 2020, the registration fee is 60,-EUR.

Registration information
If you have an oral presentation or poster don't forget to add abstract form.
You can find the abstract template here.
Participation fee includes:- • opportunity to deliver the presentation (10 min for presentation and another 5 min for discussion);
- • opportunity to publish an abstract in a Conference Book of Abstracts (1 page);
- • opportunity to publish paper up to 10 pages long in the relevant journal of IECOTERD (http://ojs.kaunokolegija.lt/index.php/ITE/issue/archive)
- • certificate for participation;
- • admission to all sessions of the conference.
The participation fee is only paid when registration is approved.Bank name and code: AB Swedbank, 73000
Name and address of the beneficiary: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Pramones pr. 20, 50468 Kaunas, Lithuania.Institution code: 1119 65284
VAT code: LT 119652811
Account number: LT28 7300 0100 0222 9776
Payment purpose: IECOTERD conference fee, participant name and surname.
The fee should be paid by a direct bank transfer.
*There is no refund of the registration fee.*Participation is free of charge for Lithuanian public administration institutions.
Reasons to participate
Get inspired to start
Get confirmed to continue
Get motivated to change
August 30, 2023
Preliminary conference programme and paper submission deadline
October 10, 2023
The conference is organized with our partners Manufacturing Innovation Valley.
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- Consultations about manufacturing innovations and technologies for small, medium-sized and large enterprises
- Services and facilities for small manufacturing enterprises, start-ups, individual developers and researchers (manufacturing laboratories and administrative premises)
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- Showroom for technologies
- Business incubation and acceleration
- International innovation networking
- Access to equipment
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