Location and languages
The conference will be held online. Participants will be provided with the links to virtual meeting rooms one day before the conference. Languages of the conference: English and Lithuanian.
The main goal
Promote scientific discussion and share ideas about the technological innovations, eco-innovations and technology-based entrepreneurship as drivers for economic growth and social change in regions.
The conference welcomes
Academic staff, professionals specializing in the fields of technology, medicine, regional economics and economic policies, doctoral students.
Scientific committee
dr. Renata Gudaitienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Ina Bikuvienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Giedrius Gecevičius, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Žydrūnas Kavaliauskas, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Vilma Kazlauskienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Ingrida Kraujutienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Andrėja Raminta Ligeikienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Vaclovas Makūnas, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Viktorija Piščalkienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Rimantas Plėštys, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Donatas Rekus, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Vidmantas Rimavičius, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Daiva Sajek, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Irma Spūdytė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Aušra Steponavičienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Indrė Šikšnelytė-Butkienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Aušra Šimonėlienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Vilma Šipailaitė – Ramoškienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Laima Jasevičiūtė – Ufartienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Inga Valentinienė, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);
dr. Sergej Ankuda, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarus);
dr. Goran Avlijaš, Singidunum University (Serbia);
dr. Refael Barkan, Holon Institute of Technology (Israel);
Prof. dr. Lavinia Buruleanu, Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania);
dr. Margarita Dancheva, College of Management, Trade and Marketing (Bulgaria);
Prof. dr. Andrejs Domkins, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute (Latvia);
dr. Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson, University of Akureyri, School of Business and Science, Iceland;
dr. Jana Ižvoltova, University of Zilina (Slovakia);
dr. Guy Yoskovitz, Holon Institute of Technology (Israel);
Prof. dr. Afam Jideani, University of Venda (Republic of South Africa);
dr. Daiga Kunkulberga, Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia);
dr. Lilyana Nacheva, Agricultural University – Plovdiv (Bulgaria);
Prof. dr. Marco Dalla Rosa, University of Bologna (Italy);
dr. Оlga Sych, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine);
Prof. dr. Dianne Helen Welsh, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA);
- innovative technologies, innovative cities and regions (in a line with economic, social, health and environmental transformations);
- (eco-) technological innovations (renewable energy, eco electronics, healthy nutrition, body ecology diet, family and community support systems, etc.) and change in a region;
- innovations in Graphic Arts, Design and Media Industry (publishing, printing, multimedia)
- good practice of technology-based entrepreneurship (adoption of innovative technologies for company, industry development in a region and sustainable development in health care system).
Previous conferences articles: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


Vivek Sakhrani, PhD
Head of Applied Data Science, Atlas AI
Former Global Director of Analytics, CPCS Transcom Limited
Vivek shapes Atlas AI's portfolio of data science, analytics, and solutions engineering services. He brings more than a decade of experience in systems planning, design, and investment advisory for development projects in energy, transport, water, ICT, and urban built environment. He is currently a Principal Investigator for grants awarded to Atlas AI by the US National Science Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the World Bank. He oversees the team of data scientists and engineers whose portfolio comprises the end-to-end delivery of solutions for Atlas AI’s commercial partners
Vivek was previously the Global Director for Infrastructure Analytics at CPCS, a management consulting firm specializing in infrastructure, overseeing the firm's modeling, analytics, and visualization services across its geographies, including North America, Africa, and Asia. Among his past clients are the World Bank, Millennium Challenge Corporation, African Union Commission, PIDA, GIZ, private firms, ministries and agencies.
Vivek has a PhD in Systems Engineering and Master's in Technology and Policy both from MIT, where he also led research at the KACST-MIT Center for Complex Engineering Systems, the MIT Energy Initiative, and MIT Tata Center for Technology & Design. He is a member of the US National Academies' Transportation Research Board Urban Freight Committee, Assistant Editor for Engineering Project Organization Journal, and a board member for Ballroom Basix, a co-curricular dance and cultural program for school students.

Dr. Erika Godlevska
Participated in initiating and developing the policy of creative and cultural industries (CCI) in Lithuania.
Initiator of CCI R&D&I policy, pioneer of R&D identification in the CCI sector in Lithuania. Worked as an
advisor to the Minister of Culture in integrating the field of culture into the general EU investment policy
and funds of the Republic of Lithuania.
Expert in the development of the State Progress Strategy "Lithuania 2030" and the Smart Specialization
Strategy, one of the initiators of the direction "Smart and Creative Society".
Since 2020, Representative of the National Association of Creative and Cultural Industries in the
Government. In 2020, Expert of the Emergency Consequence Management.

Prof. Volodymyr Rodchenko
Professor of the Department of Management and Administration of Karazin Business School, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Regional Development Advisor in Kharkiv region. Participation/coordinations groups of strategies developers in Kharkiv region, cities Kharkiv and Kyiv, more than 20 strategies development of local community`s in North-Eastern Ukraine.
Participation in Regional commission for evaluation of investment programs and projects of regional development (Kharkiv region).
Coordinator Smart Specialization Strategy team in Kharkiv region.
Trainer: Project Cycle Management, Cluster development, Strategy planning for local community, MBA speaker (Karazin Business School).

09.00 – 10.00 REGISTRATION
10. 00 – 10.20 Welcoming Address and Opening of the Conference
Paulius Baltrušaitis, Director of Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
10.20 – 12.30 Parallel Session
12.30 – 13.30 LUNCH
13.30 - 14.00 The Future of Culture and Creative Industries: Digital Culture Strategy.
Dr. Erika Godlevska, Policy-making expert, strategist, researcher, program author, lecturer, discussion moderator.
14.00 - 14.30 Innovative Collaboration in the Regional Development
dr. Volodymyr Rodchenko, professor at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
14.30 - 15.00 Translating Knowledge into Practice for Societal Impact
dr. Vivek Sakhrani, Head of Applied Data Science, Atlas AI, USA
15.40 – 16.00 FINAL SESSION
Paper presentations
15 minutes for the presentation are allocated. All paper presentations will be grouped into paper sessions. Each paper session will have a chair-person. Handouts before the conference are highly appreciated.
Presentations at the plenary session
These presentations are given by keynote speakers, who are invited by the Scientific Committee of the Conference and who are recognised specialists in the area. 20-30 minutes for the presentation are allocated.
Presentations of scientific work in a graphical form. At the time of poster presentation, at least one of the authors must be present.
The online registration to the conference is closed.
Registration fee before January 31, 2020, 45,- EUR. After January 31, 2020, the registration fee is 60,-EUR.

Registration information
If you have an oral presentation or poster don't forget to add abstract form.
You can find the abstract template here.
Participation fee includes:- • opportunity to deliver the presentation (10 min for presentation and another 5 min for discussion);
- • opportunity to publish an abstract in a Conference Book of Abstracts (1 page);
- • opportunity to publish paper up to 10 pages long in the relevant journal of IECOTERD (http://ojs.kaunokolegija.lt/index.php/ITE/issue/archive)
- • certificate for participation;
- • admission to all sessions of the conference.
The participation fee is only paid when registration is approved.Bank name and code: AB Swedbank, 73000
Name and address of the beneficiary: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Pramones pr. 20, 50468 Kaunas, Lithuania.Institution code: 1119 65284
VAT code: LT 119652811
Account number: LT28 7300 0100 0222 9776
Payment purpose: IECOTERD conference fee, participant name and surname.
The fee should be paid by a direct bank transfer.
*There is no refund of the registration fee.
Reasons to participate
Get inspired to start
Get confirmed to continue
Get motivated to change
August 30, 2022
Preliminary conference programme and paper submission deadline
October 11, 2022
Papers for publication in the conference e-proceedings should be submitted here.
The conference is organized with our partners Manufacturing Innovation Valley.
In the Manufacturing Innovation Valley, we help to understand and apply various technologies and innovations in your work. We provide the necessary equipment and facilities for small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, individual innovators, R&D and scientific institutions. We grant access to materials, equipment, competences and advanced manufacturing technologies. The Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), Business Incubator and Accelerator are operating in the Manufacturing Innovation Valley. The European and Lithuanian digital innovation hubs (DIH) are accessible via the one-stop-shop principle. The enterprises operating in the ecosystem of the Manufacturing Innovation Valley will be able to create more innovations for less investments. We know what manufacture needs. Our areas of activities:
- Consultations about manufacturing innovations and technologies for small, medium-sized and large enterprises
- Services and facilities for small manufacturing enterprises, start-ups, individual developers and researchers (manufacturing laboratories and administrative premises)
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- Showroom for technologies
- Business incubation and acceleration
- International innovation networking
- Access to equipment
For more information please visit our website www.manuvalley.tech.